Documentary Filmmaker Danielle Beverly chronicled a community in Athens, GA for an upcoming documentary titled “Old South”, which will be released in 2015. The film focuses mainly on one block, over 3+ years.
Yet a film can only show so much. This same neighborhood has been an important historically African American community for nearly 150 years. To celebrate the many “firsts” that have occurred there, and also consider the changes that have impacted it, this “Hope for Athens Historical Timeline” lets users travel BACKWARDS, to interact with its history.
Content revision is ongoing. We seek your memories, photographs, and artifacts from this neighborhood to add to the timeline. Contact Danielle Beverly at
Special thanks to:
Daria Kempka, Web Producer
Sade Hood, Researcher
Funding provided by:
Diederich College Initiative on Communication Ethics, Values and Social Justice
Rynne Fellowship from the Center for Peacemaking